How to Start Hiring
Some common questions answered about hiring a freelancerSome common questions answered about hiring a freelancer Learn more
How to find the freelancer?
If you have the idea about the issue you’re facing with your computer, such as system slowdown, popup issues, virus issues. You can simply type the issue in the search box and search, our intelligent system will match the issue with the expert techies, you will be shown a list of technicians who are expert in resolving the problem.
You can check their profile, their ratings, experience and price per hour and select the one you find suitable.
How do I make payment?
What happens after I have made the payment?
What if I don’t receive any call from technician after 15 minutes?
Our system alarms the technician to respond to the customer, if in case you do not receive a call from the technician, you can call from your account, it will ring your bell and then it will connect you the technician. If the call is not entertained, then you have the option to contact our support team or cancel the order. When you cancel the order, you get money directly to your wallet which you can use to hire another technician.

Getting Remote Support
Focus on Your Work & TeamWe have made a secured and easy way to provide remote access of your computer, your technician will walk through it.
Is it safe to give remote access to a stranger
Do I have to stay on call when technician is working
What happens when the techie is completes the job?
How to end the remote session?

After Sales Support
Manage Your Profitable AccountDotem eiusmod tempor incune utnaem labore etdolore maigna aliqua eniina ilukita ylokem lokateise ination voluptate velite esse cillum dolore eu fugnulla pariatur lokaim urianewce animid learn more
What is the issues come back after couple of days?
How to I provide feedback
What if I am not happy with the services and I want the money back?
Our services are based on 100% customer satisfaction, we have steps to check if things are moving as per your satisfaction, if at any stage you find the services unsatisfactorily, you have all the rights to cancel the order and take your money back. However, if the 7 days have passed and you want the money after that, then we are sorry to say the money is non-refundable
How to contact the technician if I have some issues after support? ="wt-accordiontitle collapsed" id="headingthree3" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapsethree3">

How to enroll on the platform
Start Today For a Great FutureIts easy to signup and use the platform.
How to create an account?
You may go to Join Now button from top section and fill out the registration form, here it will also ask for the primary phone number where you make and receive the call from our platform, this number will be verified by a code. When the phone number is verified, your account will be created.
How to activate the account?
Our platform is strictly for experienced professionals, so we require you to fill up the profile section and provide all the required details and documents in order to review your profile and approve you on our platform. Once the verification team finds you fit, they activate your account and notify you.
Do I pay any fees?
How do I get paid?

General Questions
Start Today For a Great FutureDotem eiusmod tempor incune utnaem labore etdolore maigna aliqua eniina ilukita ylokem lokateise ination voluptate velite esse cillum dolore eu fugnulla pariatur lokaim urianewce animid learn more
Which countries do you currently serve?
Are these technicians from USA?
What all categories you cover?